Different Type of Trademark Status

Have you ever tried to track the status of your trademark application?
Tracking the status of a trademark application is a crucial step in the trademark registration process. Through the governmental portal, applicants can easily monitor the progress of their trademark applications. However, understanding what each status signifies is essential for accurately interpreting the application’s journey. To assist with this, My Trademark Guide has compiled a comprehensive list of trademark statuses for your convenience.
In this article, we will explain the various stages of trademark application status, providing clarity on what each term means and the actions required at each step. Whether you are filing a new application, responding to objections, or awaiting registration, our detailed guide will help you navigate the trademark process with confidence.
You can go on this link https://tmrsearch.ipindia.gov.in/eregister/eregister.aspx to check the status of your trademark application.
Click Here to check our detailed Guide on how to check the status of your Trademark Application.
Different Type of Trademark Status
The different Trademark Statuses are as follows:
- New Application – A new application is filed with the trademark office.
- Formalities Chk Pass – The application has been filed correctly.
- Formalities Chk Fail – The application is not filed correctly, and an amendment form may be required.
- Send To Vienna Codification – If the application contains a logo, its data is sorted according to Vienna codification.
- Marked for Exam – The application will be examined by the Trademark Examiner.
- Objected – The application has been objected to by the Trademark Registry and is awaiting a response to the examination report.
- Exam Report Issued – The application has been accepted, or further queries have been raised by the examiner.
- Ready for Show Cause Hearing – The application has been issued for a hearing.
- Abandoned – If no response is received within the given timeframe, the application is marked as abandoned.
- Advertised bef acc – The application is published in the Trademark Journal without user evidence.
- Accepted & Advertised – The application is published in the Trademark Journal with user evidence.
- Opposed – A third party has filed an opposition to the trademark application.
- Registered – The trademark has been successfully registered.
- Refused – The application is refused by the department.
- Invalid – The application fee has not been received.
- Withdrawn – The applicant has withdrawn the trademark application.
- Send Back to EDP – The application has been sent back for proper data entry or digitization.
- Send to PRAS – The Pre-Registration Amendment Section (PRAS) deals with any amendments to the trademark application.
- ABA/Readvertised – The application is advertised before acceptance and published in the journal.
- Under Division – An international trademark application is under process.
- Rectification Filed – A third party has filed a rectification application to remove the trademark from the register.
- Accepted – The trademark is accepted without evidence, pending publication in the journal.
- Cancelled – The trademark has been cancelled.
- Accepted/Readvertise – The trademark is accepted with user evidence.
- IR Cancelled – The international trademark application is cancelled.
- Protection Granted – The international trademark application is registered in India.
- Removed – The registered trademark has been removed for non-renewal.
- Appeal – An appeal is pending before the IPAB on the order of the examiner.
- Review – A review petition is filed after an order is passed by the examiner.
- Gone to Court – The trademark application is in dispute before the court.
- Stay of Registration – The application has been stayed by IPAB or an Indian court.
- Opposition Withdrawn – The opposition filed by a third party has been withdrawn.
At My Trademark Guide, we strive to provide clarity and support throughout your trademark journey. We hope this comprehensive guide to trademark statuses has been helpful in demystifying the process. Should you need any further assistance or have specific queries, our team is readily available to help you.
For additional information or personalized support, feel free to contact us at +91 9354-24-6963 or email us at customer@mytrademarkguide.com. Your successful trademark registration is our priority, and we are here to ensure a smooth and efficient process for you.