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Refund Policy


At My Trademark Guide, we are committed to providing exceptional trademark services and support. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we strive to deliver the best possible experience for you. If, for any reason, you are not fully satisfied with our services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us immediately. We are here to make it right.

Not Satisfied? Let Us Know!

If you find that our service doesn’t meet your expectations, please inform us promptly by indicating your dissatisfaction with the engagement. We will take swift action by escalating the matter to the relevant agents and managers to address your concerns. While we endeavor to minimize delays on our end, please understand that factors beyond our control, such as government processing times or document deficiencies, may affect the overall timeline. We appreciate your patience as we work diligently to complete your engagement to the best of our ability.

30-Day Refund Policy

Should an engagement not progress as expected, you have the option to request a refund within 30 days of payment. After this period, you may still request a refund, which will be processed as a service credit usable for future engagements.

Earned Fee & Cancellation Fee Deduction

Before initiating any refund, we will make every effort to fulfill the service to the best of our ability. In the event of dissatisfaction, a cancellation fee of 20%, plus any fees paid to government entities, will be applicable. Please note that if My Trademark Guide has invested time and resources or incurred additional fees in completing the engagement, these costs will be deducted accordingly, with refunds capped at 80% of the fee paid by the client.

Change of Service

Should you wish to switch to a different service within 60 days of purchase, you may do so. The original service’s purchase price, minus any government fees or third-party payments, will be credited toward the new service. If the new service is of equal or higher value, the 20% deduction will not apply.

How to Request a Refund

To initiate a refund request, please email us at with your transaction details. Refunds are typically processed within 3-5 weeks from the date of the request, along with any relevant information provided.

Penalty or Tax Payment

While we assist in preparing necessary filings, clients are responsible for ensuring accuracy and compliance. My Trademark Guide will not cover any penalties or taxes incurred by clients. Additionally, we are not liable for any other costs associated with services rendered that fall outside the agreed scope.

Factors Outside Our Control

We cannot guarantee specific outcomes due to factors beyond our control, such as government processing times or platform issues. Delays caused by these external factors are not eligible for refunds.

Force Majeure

In the event of unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters or governmental actions, My Trademark Guide shall not be held liable for any resulting delays or interruptions in service.

Your satisfaction is paramount to us, and we appreciate your trust in My Trademark Guide for your trademark needs.

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