Trademark Class 13- Firearms And Pyrotechnic Products

Table of Contents
This guide is all about Class 13 in Trademark Classification. Trademarks need to be registered under specific classes, each representing a different group of goods or services. In this post, we’ll dive into the items covered under Class 13.
It’s crucial to identify the right trademark class before applying. Registering a trademark in a specific class protects it only within that category. If a trademark is used for goods and services in multiple classes, separate applications must be submitted for each class to ensure protection for those specific goods and services.
Description For Trademark Class 13
Trademark Class 13: Firearms; ammunition and projectiles; explosives; fireworks.
This Class includes, in particular:
- rescue flares, explosive or pyrotechnic;
- flare pistols;
- sprays for personal defence purposes;
- explosive fog signals, signal rocket flares;
- air pistols being weapons;
- bandoliers for weapons;
- sporting firearms, hunting firearms.
This Class does not include, in particular:
- grease for weapons (Cl. 4);
- blades being weapons (Cl. 8);
- side arms, other than firearms (Cl. 8);
- non-explosive fog signals, rescue laser signalling flares (Cl. 9);
- telescopic sights for firearms (Cl. 9);
- flaming torches (Cl. 11);
- Christmas crackers (Cl. 28);
- percussion caps being toys (Cl. 28);
- toy air pistols (Cl. 28);
- matches (Cl. 34).
Comprehensive List of Goods covered under Trademark Class 13
- Acetyl-nitrocellulose
- Actuators being parts of weapons
- Actuators being parts of weapon loading installations
- Actuators being parts of weapon ejecting installations
- Adjusting knobs for gun sights
- Aerial bombs
- Aiming mirrors for rifles
- Aiming sights [other than telescopic]
- Air gun pellets
- Air guns
- Air guns [weapons]
- Air pistol bullets
- Air pistol slugs
- Air pistols [air guns]
- Air pistols [weapons]
- Air rifles [weapons]
- Air shot
- Air-to-air missiles
- Air-to-surfaces missiles
- Ammonium nitrate explosives
- Ammunition
- Ammunition and projectiles
- Ammunition bags
- Ammunition casings
- Ammunition for firearms
- Ammunition for guns
- Ammunition hoists
- Ammunition wagons
- Anti-aircraft guns
- Anti submarine torpedoes fitted with warheads
- Anti-tank mines
- Apparatus for filling cartridge belts
- Armaments
- Armaments installations
- Armor piercing projectiles
- Armor piercing shells
- Armored turrets
- Armour-piercing incendiary projectiles for use by aircraft
- Armour-piercing incendiary projectiles
- Armour-piercing projectiles for use by aircraft
- Armour-piercing projectiles
- Artillery
- Artillery guns
- Artillery guns [cannons]
- Artillery pieces
- Automatic carbines
- Automatic firearm ammunition belts
- Automatic guns
- Automatic pistols
- Automatic revolvers
- Automatic rifles
- Bags for storing firearms [specifically adapted]
- Bags specially adapted to hold rifles
- Ballistic missiles
- Ballistic weapons
- Bandoliers for holding cartridges and ammunition cases
- Bandoliers for weapons
- Barrel reflectors for firearms
- Barrels for cannons
- Barrels (Gun -)
- Barrels (Rifle -)
- BB guns
- Belts adapted for ammunition
- Bengal lights
- Bengal lights [fireworks]
- Bipods for firearms
- Black powder
- Blank cartridge shells
- Blank cartridges
- Blasting cap protectors
- Blasting caps
- Blasting compounds
- Blasting explosives
- Blasting gelatin
- Blasting paper
- Blasting powder
- Bomb releasers
- Bombs
- Breach boxes for guns
- Breeches of firearms
- Bullet extractors
- Bullet molds
- Bullets
- Bullets for use with rifles
- Butt plates for firearms
- Butt plates for pistols
- Butt plates for rifles
- Butt plates for shotguns
- Butts for small arms
- Cannon carriages [artillery]
- Cannon tubes
- Cannons
- Cannons [artillery guns]
- Carbines
- Carrying cases adapted for firearms
- Cartridge belt filling machines
- Cartridge belts
- Cartridge belts (Apparatus for filling -)
- Cartridge case extractors
- Cartridge case receivers for automatic firearms
- Cartridge case receivers for semi-automatic firearms
- Cartridge cases
- Cartridge dies
- Cartridge fillers
- Cartridge loading apparatus
- Cartridge magazines for firearms
- Cartridge pouches
- Cartridge shot pouches
- Cartridges
- Cartridges containing flares
- Cartridges containing reflective materials for radio blocking
- Cartridges containing reflective materials for radar blocking
- Cartridges containing smoke
- Cartridges for carrying materials to be deployed in defence
- Cartridges for carrying materials to be deployed in decoy
- Cartridges for carrying materials to be deployed in weapon installations
- Cartridges for firearms
- Cartridges for gunpowder
- Cartridges for guns
- Cartridges for pyrotechnic products
- Case covers for firearms
- Cases (Cartridge -)
- Cases for guns
- Cases for large size ammunition
- Cases for pistols
- Cases for rifles
- Cases (Gun -)
- Cases (Rifle -)
- Chemical-based personal security sprays
- Cleaning brushes for firearms
- Cleaning implements for firearms
- Cleaning rods for firearms
- Combination holster and ammunition magazine pouch
- Combination pistols and rifles
- Component parts for guns
- Component parts for machine guns
- Component parts for pistols
- Component parts for revolvers
- Component parts for rifles
- Component parts for shotguns
- Conducted electrical weapons (CEW)
- Containers for launching weapons
- Containers for storing weapons
- Conventional air delivered weapons
- Cotton (Gun -)
- Covers for firearms
- Covers for rifles
- Crossbows [weapons]
- Cruise missiles
- Depth charges
- Detonating caps
- Detonating caps other than toys
- Detonating caps, other than toys
- Detonating fuses for explosives
- Detonating plugs
- Detonating relays for use with detonators
- Detonation devices for blasting underwater mines
- Detonators
- Dynamite
- Dynamites
- Electric blasting caps
- Electromagnetic pulse weapons
- Electronic detonators
- Explosion primers
- Explosive caps
- Explosive cartridges
- Explosive cutting charge
- Explosive devices
- Explosive devices for minefield clearance
- Explosive devices for minefield breaching and minefield clearance
- Explosive devices for minefield breaching
- Explosive fuses used in mining
- Explosive harpoon guns [weapons]
- Explosive powders
- Explosive primers
- Explosive products
- Explosive shells
- Explosive signals
- Explosive substances
- Explosive substances and devices, other than arms
- Explosive torpedoes
- Explosives
- Explosives for use in bombs
- Explosives powders
- Extractors for broken shells
- Field guns
- Firearm bipods
- Firearm magazine speedloaders
- Firearm monopods
- Firearm stands
- Firearms
- Firearms (Ammunition for -)
- Firearms (Cleaning brushes for -)
- Firecrackers
- Firework fountains
- Fireworks
- Fireworks in shell forms
- Firing lanyards for explosives
- Firing platforms
- Firing platforms [weapons]
- Flamethrowers [weapons]
- Flare pistols
- Flares [pyrotechnic]
- Fog signal explosives
- Fog signals, explosive
- Fortress guns
- Fowling pieces
- Fuses for blasting
- Fuses for explosives
- Fuses for explosives, for use in mines
- Gas bombs [weapon]
- Gas weapons (Tear -)
- Gelatinous explosives
- Granular explosives
- Grenade launchers
- Grenades
- Grips for small arms
- Guided artillery projectiles
- Guided bombs
- Guided missiles
- Guided mortar bombs
- Guided projectiles
- Guided rockets
- Guided weapons
- Gun bags [specifically adapted]
- Gun barrels
- Gun belts
- Gun butts
- Gun carriages
- Gun carriages [artillery]
- Gun cartridge magazines
- Gun cartridges
- Gun cases
- Gun cleaning brushes
- Gun-cleaning decappers
- Gun cotton
- Gun limbers
- Gun locks
- Gun mounts
- Gun parts
- Gun scabbards
- Gun sights for firearms [not optical or telescopic]
- Gun stocks
- Gun turret base plates
- Gun turret shields
- Gun wads
- Guncotton
- Gunpowder
- Guns
- Guns (Artillery -) [cannons]
- Guns (Hammers for -)
- Guns (Harpoon -) [weapons]
- Guns (Noise-suppressors for -)
- Guns (Sighting mirrors for -)
- Guns [weapons]
- Gunstock recoil pads
- Gunstocks
- Hammers for guns
- Hammers for guns and rifles
- Hammers for rifles
- Hand flamethrowers [weapons]
- Hand flares
- Hand grenades
- Hand torpedoes
- Handles for pistols
- Handles for revolvers
- Harpoon guns
- Harpoon guns [weapons]
- Harpoons adapted for harpoon guns
- Heavy guns
- Holders for ammunition
- Holders, holsters, magazines and cartridges, for weapons and ammunition
- Holsters
- Holsters for guns
- Horns (Powder -)
- Howitzers
- Hunting firearms
- Hunting gun cartridges
- Hunting rifles [sporting rifles]
- Hydrated explosives
- Illuminating grenades
- Illuminating projectiles
- Incendiary cartridges
- Infrared defence rocket warheads
- Initiating explosives
- Javelins [weapons]
- Lachrymatory gas weapons
- Lance rockets
- Launchers for ammunition
- Launchers for missiles
- Launchers for missiles [weapons]
- Launchers for projectiles
- Launchers for pyrotechnic purposes
- Launchers for rockets
- Lead shot
- Lead shot for hunting
- Liquid explosives
- Loaded cartridge magazines for firearms
- Loading clips for pistols
- Loading clips for small arms
- Long-range artillery guns
- Luminous explosive fog signals
- Machine gun cartridges
- Machine gun chargers
- Machine gun turrets
- Machine guns
- Magazines for firearms
- Magazines for weapons
- Marine pyrotechnics [flares]
- Medium calibre ammunition
- Military pyrotechnics
- Military rifles
- Miners’ squibs
- Mines [explosives]
- Mirrors (Sighting -) for guns and rifles
- Missiles
- Missiles (Ballistic -)
- Mobile gun mounts
- Mortar shells
- Mortars being firearms
- Mortars [firearms]
- Mortars [weapons]
- Motorised weapons
- Motorized weapons
- Multi-munition stand-off bombs
- Munition dispensers
- Munitions
- Muskets
- Muzzle compensators
- Muzzles for guns [weapons]
- Naval anti-submarine torpedo carrier systems
- Naval gun fire predictors
- Naval guns
- Nitrate of ammonia explosives
- Nitrated gun cotton
- Nitrated gun cotton [explosives]
- Nitrating liquids used as explosives
- Nitrocellulose (Acetyl -)
- Nitrocellulose explosives
- Nitroglycerine shells
- Nitrostarch explosives
- Noise suppressors for guns
- Noise-suppressors for guns
- Non-optical sights
- Non-telescopic sights
- Oil well shooting explosives
- Open sights for use on firearms
- Organic-nitrate explosives
- Pellet guns
- Pellets [ammunition]
- Pepper spray
- Pepper sprays
- Percussion caps
- Percussion caps other than toys
- Percussion caps, other than toys
- Pistol butts
- Pistol caps
- Pistol cases
- Pistol grips
- Pistol holsters
- Pistol pellets
- Pistols
- Pistols [arms]
- Pistols [firearms]
- Pistols (Starters -)
- Placement machine guns
- Platforms (Firing -)
- Plugs (Detonating -)
- Pneumatic catapults for firing missiles
- Pouches (Cartridge -)
- Powder flasks for firearms
- Powder horns
- Powder train fuses
- Powders (Explosive -)
- Primed shells
- Primers for explosives
- Primers for pyrotechnic devices
- Primings [fuses]
- Projectiles
- Projectiles for weapons
- Projectiles [weapons]
- Projecting apparatus for grenades
- Projecting apparatus for missiles
- Projecting apparatus for bombs
- Propelling pyrotechnic mixtures for ammunition
- Protective cases adapted for firearms
- Protective shields adapted for firearms
- Pull-throughs for small arms
- Pyrophoric substances
- Pyrotechnic ammunition
- Pyrotechnic articles
- Pyrotechnic charges
- Pyrotechnic distress flares
- Pyrotechnic gas actuators
- Pyrotechnic gas generators
- Pyrotechnic missiles
- Pyrotechnic products
- Pyrotechnic thrust generators for steering airborne weapons
- Pyrotechnical interrupters
- Pyrotechnics
- Pyroxylin
- Radar jamming warheads
- Radio controlled miniature aerial targets for military use
- Recoil pads
- Recoilless guns
- Rescue flares, explosive or pyrotechnic
- Rescue flares, explosives or pyrotechnicals
- Revolvers
- Rifle ammunition
- Rifle barrels
- Rifle cartridges
- Rifle cases
- Rifle cocks
- Rifle covers
- Rifle sheaths
- Rifle slings
- Rifle stocks
- Rifle straps
- Rifles
- Rifles (Hammers for -)
- Rifles (Sighting mirrors for -)
- Rifles (Trigger guards for -)
- Rocket artillery projectiles
- Rocket launchers
- Rocket mortars
- Rocket-propelled ballistic missiles
- Rockets
- Rockets [projectiles]
- Rockets (Signal -)
- Roman candles
- Safety catches for firearms
- Sea mines
- Self-propelled weapons
- Shaped charges [explosives]
- Sheaths for rifles
- Shell belts
- Shell bodies
- Shell cases
- Shell casings
- Shell wads
- Shells for large size ammunition
- Shells [projectiles]
- Shields for gun carriages
- Ship-to-air missiles
- Shot belts
- Shot for gun cartridges
- Shot for hunting (Lead -)
- Shot (Lead -) for firearms
- Shot pouches
- Shot shells
- Shotgun ammunition
- Shotgun cartridges
- Shotgun powder
- Shotgun shells
- Shotguns
- Shoulder straps for arms
- Shoulder straps for weapons
- Side arms [firearms]
- Siege guns
- Sight protectors for firearms
- Sighting devices for firearms [other than telescopic]
- Sighting mirrors for guns
- Sighting mirrors for guns and rifles
- Sighting mirrors for rifles
- Sights for firearms [other than telescopic]
- Sights, other than telescopic sights, for firearms
- Sights, other than telescopic sights, for artillery
- Signal fires
- Signal rocket flares
- Signal rockets
- Signalling flares
- Silencers for firearms
- Silencers for guns
- Sky rockets
- Sling straps for firearms
- Slingshots [weapons]
- Small arms
- Small arms ammunition
- Small arms [firearms]
- Small bore firearms
- Smoke detonators
- Smoke missiles for armoured vehicles and tanks
- Smoke missiles for armoured vehicles
- Smoke missiles for tanks
- Smoke projectiles
- Smoke projectiles for rockets
- Smoke projectiles for torpedo tube artillery
- Sparklers [fireworks]
- Sporting cartridges
- Sporting firearms
- Sporting guns
- Sporting rifles
- Sprays for personal defense purposes
- Sprays for personal defence purposes
- Spring-activated spearguns [weapons]
- Squibs
- Stands for firearms
- Starter pistols
- Starting pistols
- Steel shot
- Stocks (Gun -)
- Stun guns
- Submachine guns
- Supplemental chambers for firearms
- Tanks [weapons]
- Targets for military use
- Tear gas weapons
- Tear-gas weapons
- Tools for loading weapons
- Torpedoes
- Torpedos
- Trench guns
- Trigger guards for guns and rifles
- Trigger guards for rifles
- Tripods for firearms
- Trunnions for heavy weapons
- Tumblers [parts of gunlocks]
- Turrets (Gun -)
- Underwater mines
- Unmanned remote-controlled powered aircraft for use as military targets
- Wad cutters
- Weapon apparatus
- Weapon cartridges for use with liquid nitrogen
- Weapon cases for firearms
- Weapon installations
- Weapon systems
- Weapons
- Weapons and ammunition
- Weapons for launching missiles and projectiles
- Weapons for launching missiles
- Weapons for launching projectiles